7 Reasons How CFA Certification Can Boost Your Career in Investment Banking

CFA Certification

Earning a CFA certification (Chartered Financial Analyst Certification) might be the key to unlocking new opportunities if you are considering a career in investment banking. 

In this blog, we will explore 7 reasons why a CFA certification can significantly boost your career in investment banking, helping you gain the skills, recognition, and network you need to succeed. 

Let’s dive in!

Can a CFA Certification Get You into Investment Banking?

The simple answer is NO. 

However, there are certain considerations:

  • What stage are you at in your career right now?
  • Which part of investment banking are you interested in?
  • What is your experience in this field? 
  • What is your financial knowledge? 
  • Do you have any network? 

Let’s start from the basics, shall we?


What is Investment Banking?

Investment banking focuses on sales and as an investment banker, you act like a middleman. 

You earn your income by:

  1. Helping companies raise money by issuing stocks or bonds.
  2. Advising companies on mergers and acquisitions.


How Investment Banking Works?

Imagine there’s a company that needs money. 

This company has two main options:

  1. Take a loan from a bank (The bank decides the interest rate and terms).
  2. Raise money by issuing bonds or stocks. (The interest rate might be lower in public markets because investors trust that a company seeking public funding is reliable).  

If a company wants to sell shares to the public (an IPO), investment bankers help them decide:

  • How much money to raise?
  • How much equity to sell?
  • What is the company’s valuation?
  • What is the process for selling shares? 

Investment bankers take a percentage of the IPO size as a commission, and that’s how they earn. 

Here’s a detailed guide on Investment Banking Requirements to help you clear the concept in-depth. 

So, if you want to break into investment banking, read further to discover the important skills required to ace the job. 


Important Skills and Qualifications Needed in Investment Banking


The key skills to create a life for yourself as an investment banker include: 

  • Excel
  • Financial modelling
  • Data analysis
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Industry knowledge

The CFA charter focuses on asset management, however, what gets your foot into the door is your sales, negotiations, and communication skills. 

While the CFA program teaches essential finance mechanics, it doesn’t specifically teach how to become an investment banker. 

Your experience and personal skills are crucial metrics to determine your rate of success. 

To break into investment banking:

  1. Start your job hunt early
  2. Apply for summer analyst internships
  3. Network extensively

The CFA charter can help you get your foot in the door, but your success will depend on your skills and experience.


7 Reasons How CFA Certification Can Boost Your Career

Here are 7 reasons that will show you how a CFA certification can boost your career:

1. Stand Out in the Crowd: 

Having a CFA makes you stand out, especially if you work with asset managers or hedge funds. It reassures hiring managers of their commitment and knowledge.


2. Enhance Your Pay: 

CFA certification can potentially increase your salary bracket by showcasing your dedication and expertise.


3. Showcase Initiative and Proactivity:

Pursuing a CFA certification demonstrates your initiative and proactive approach to professional growth.


4. Commitment to Upskilling: 

It shows your commitment to continuous learning and skill enhancement, which is highly valued in the finance industry.


5. Boosts Your Confidence: 

The knowledge and skills gained from the CFA program can improve your confidence in handling complex financial tasks.


6. Useful for Career Transitions: 

If you are currently in a non-financial role and trying to break into investment banking, a CFA certification can significantly improve your chances.


7. Foundation for Investment Banking roles:

The CFA provides a strong foundation in financial knowledge, which is essential for investment banking roles and helps in transitioning to middle or back-office roles in investment banking.


5 Questions to Ask Before Deciding to Pursue a CFA Certification: 

  • Are you doing it for the long run or do you see yourself moving on soon?
  • How will it fit into your current career stage and goals?
  • How will you manage the CFA certification cost?
  • Do you have the time, energy, and resources to commit to the CFA program?
  • Will the CFA help you achieve your desired role in investment banking?

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about whether pursuing a CFA certification is the right move for your career in investment banking.



While a CFA certification is not required for a career in investment banking, it can certainly provide a significant advantage, especially if you are struggling to break into the finance industry.

The CFA certification enhances your financial knowledge and skills, particularly if you are transitioning from a non-financial role. 

While the CFA can help you access middle or back-office roles, it might not be as effective for breaking directly into front-office positions. 

It provides a solid foundation and prepares you for the industry’s risks and rewards.

While the CFA certification is a valuable asset, it should be complemented with real-life experience and strategic networking to maximize your chances of success in investment banking. 

Whether you aim to enhance your current role or transition into a new one, the CFA certification can help you build a robust financial skill set that is respected and recognized across the industry.

Enroll now at CFI Education to kickstart your preparation for the CFA level 1 exam next year.

Our CFA program provides a thorough curriculum and personalized study plans to help you reach your finance career goals. Don’t miss the opportunity – enrollment is currently available!


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