5 Best Books for CFA Examination Every Aspirant Must Study

Books for CFA examination

Did you know that over 60% of candidates fail the CFA exam on their first attempt? A staggering number of aspiring banking professionals left frustrated, wondering what went wrong. 

Taking one of the toughest exams in the financial world requires more than just dedication—it demands the right resources.

If you’ve been overwhelmed by the endless options, if you are struggling to figure out which books for CFA examination will help you succeed, you’re not alone. 

In this blog, we’ll dive into:

  • Why selecting the right study materials is crucial for your CFA exams
  • 5 best books for CFA examination  
  • How to make the best choice for your needs

So, keep reading to turn your CFA preparation from stressful to successful!


Why do you need Books for CFA Examination?

Preparing for CFA exams isn’t just about knowing the material—it’s about mastering complex concepts and applying them under pressure. 

 So, why are books for CFA preparation the best choice for your prep?

If you feel like you’re just scratching the surface with free videos and online courses, you’re in trouble. 

With this, you’re missing out on one of the biggest advantages of books for CFA examination that provide depth of understanding. 

Books let you dive deep into the subject matter at your own pace, giving you the time to fully grasp complicated topics. You’re not just skimming; you’re absorbing the key details crucial for tackling the toughest exam questions. 

Have you ever found yourself losing focus or forgetting where you left off?

If yes, you need the right books to get back to your CFA preparation, 

Books are ideal if you need structured learning to keep you on track. 

They guide you step-by-step through the syllabus, helping you build a strong foundation before diving into more advanced concepts.

Books offer a clear sense of direction with organized content that’s easy to follow  

These elements could be the difference between passing and failing. If your prep feels scattered, books might just be the structure you’ve been looking for!


5 Best Books for CFA Examination

When it comes to preparing for CFA exams, choosing the right study material can be a game-changer. 

With countless resources out there, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. 

But don’t worry—here’s a curated list of the 5 best books for CFA examination that not only offer depth but also give you a structured approach to tackle even the toughest questions. 

Let’s begin:


1. CFA Institute Curriculum (All Levels):

This is the gold standard—straight from the CFA Institute itself. With over 70% of exam content sourced directly from this curriculum, you can’t afford to skip it.

It covers every key topic in detail, ensuring you don’t miss out on any concept, from ethics to portfolio management.


2. Kaplan SchweserNotes:

SchweserNotes condenses all essential topics into a more digestible format, saving you time without sacrificing depth. Over 75% of candidates using SchweserNotes report feeling more confident about their exam prep.

With decades of experience, Kaplan has helped over 500,000 candidates pass the CFA exam, making it a highly trusted resource.


3. Wiley’s CFA Program Study Guide:

Known for breaking down complex topics into easy-to-understand sections, Wiley is perfect for those who need extra clarification on difficult concepts. 

It includes hundreds of practice questions, with 80% closely aligned to what you’ll face on exam day.


4. Financial Statement Analysis by Martin Fridson & Fernando Alvarez:

With over 60% of CFA exam questions revolving around financial reporting and analysis, this book is perfect for mastering that crucial area.

The book goes beyond theory, it helps you understand:

  • How to analyze actual financial statements 
  • Spot red flags in real businesses.


5. Equity Asset Valuation (CFA Institute Investment Series):

For those aiming to excel in asset valuation (one of the most tested areas) this book offers a deep dive into valuation techniques. Written by experts with direct CFA experience, this book aligns with what the exam expects you to know, offering 90% relevance to exam content.


These books are all tried and tested, giving you the best chance to navigate the complexities of the CFA and other banking exams with confidence. 


How to Select the Right Books for Your CFA Exam?

Choosing the right books for CFA examination can make a huge difference in your preparation journey. 

Here’s a straightforward guide to help you pick the perfect study material for your needs.


1. Find Out What Suits You:

First things first—understand your study patterns.

  • Are you someone who likes to dive deep into every concept?
  • Do you prefer a more streamlined approach? 

Identifying your study style will help you choose a book that aligns with how you learn best.


2. Search the Web for Options:

If you’re someone who just wants to pass the exam and needs a focused approach, Kaplan SchweserNotes™ might be your best bet. 

They offer:

  • A concise
  • High-yield review that’s perfect for those who need to cover a lot of ground quickly. 

On the other hand, if you’re aiming to really master the concepts and gain a comprehensive understanding of the CFA material, the CFA Institute’s official curriculum might be your go-to. 

It’s detailed and covers every aspect of the exam content thoroughly.


3. Check the Cost:

Cost can be a significant factor in your decision-making process. 

Make sure to compare the prices of different study materials and see what fits your budget. 

Remember, while some resources might seem expensive, investing in high-quality materials can pay off in the long run.


4. Explore Other Providers: 

Don’t forget to look into other third-party study material providers. 

For example, Wiley’s CFA Program Study Guides offer clear explanations and tons of practice questions, making them a solid choice for many candidates. 


By considering this guide you’ll be well on your way to selecting the right books to ace your banking exams. 

Good luck!



While having the right books for CFA examination is crucial, they’re just one piece of the puzzle. 

You could have the best books for the banking exam but if you lack:

  • Dedication
  • Perseverance
  • Commitment, those resources alone won’t guarantee success.

Books are like a map. They show you the way, but it’s up to you to drive the journey. 

Some folks might ace the exam with minimal structure because they have a knack for grasping concepts on the fly. Others might struggle despite having all the right books for CFA preparation because their approach isn’t as focused or disciplined.

Ultimately, the difference lies in how you use your resources. 

  • Your approach
  • How do you stay organized
  • How determined you are to tackle each challenge will make all the difference. 

So, gear up, stay committed, and remember that while the best books for CFA exam are there to guide you, it’s your effort that will lead you to success.

All the best on your exam journey—go crush it!


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